Work Experience

I offer 'A Day in the Life of an MP' work experience opportunities to students interested or studying Politics from the constituency at a minimum of A-Level. The placement gives young people an insight in to local politics and a chance to boost their skills.

The experience will be rotational, and the student will get to shadow the Office Manager, Constituency Manager, Communications Officer, Senior Parliamentary Assistant and Senior Caseworker.

The tasks the student may be involved in could include the following:

  • Casework, depending on the age and ability of the student
  • Researching an issue
  • Taking press-cuttings
  • Writing press releases
  • Accompanying the MP to a meeting or event in the House or in the Constituency
  • Assisting with office duties
  • Answering queries from constituents, either by phone or by email

Please contact me on to enquire about work experience in my office.